Re: blocage du navigateur et de d'autre logiciel programme.

dans Désinfection par Chapi


C'est désormais sûr, il n'y a pas d'infection sur ton PC, juste comme tu le disais, deux petits restes inutile : un dossier vide, une clé de registre perdu... Mais rien qui pourrait avoir un tel comportement.

Ton problème n'est donc pas d'origine infectieuse, mais viens certainement de quelque chose qui s'est cassé dans la configuration de Windows. Il ne s'agit visiblement pas d'un d...

Re: Ads by Provider not getting removed

dans ADS par karanthsrihari


I couldnt find how to attach file here. There are more than 20 log files in that folder. Will add the content of latest 2:

# AdwCleaner v5.112 - Logfile created 17/04/2016 at 22:57:08
# Updated 17/04/2016 by Xplode
# Database : 2016-04-17.1 [Server]
# Operating system : Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (X64)
# Username : skaranth - IND-LWSRIHARI
# Running from : C:\Users\skaranth\Do...

Adwcleaner BSOD on closing processes

I have 2 Dell laptops running windows 10 that keep blue-screening when running adwcleaner's "Cleaning" step, I enabled the debug option, the last process it lists before the log ends is dasHost.exe which is in windows\system32 , file size 95232 bytes , description: Device Association Framework Provider Host .

I won't be able to check back until monday, but if you guys need any more information...


Hello Chapi,

here's my update on the last work:

I found the quarantine (MBAM too ;-), everything restored, no problem, thank you !

And MBAM (was busy the whole day long, more than a million files ... but no interference with SE ) detected several more entries in the registry, one js in Firefox and a Trojan whith Security Essentials already disposed in the trash. So nothing active and heavily...


dans Désinfection par Chapi

Hi Klaus,


I will inform the developper of ZHPCleaner that the soft have some weird behaviour. Do you want any help to restore some files ? ZHPCleaner has got a quarantine :)


One question to MalwareBytes before installing it: I have MS Security Essentials installed, won't there be a problem defending one another (and making the PC nearly unuseable) when both are active ? I experienced t...


Good morning !

To your suggestions:

Removing DocMgr would of course be fine !

lanconf.exe is checked, false positive :-)

MyPhoneExplorer: Used it two times till now to get the SMS archive on the PC, what is a special task ;-)

ZHPCleaner: Ran it, removed the threats. But I noticed two strange behaviors when runing ZHPCleaner - first I started it when IE and Firefox were active (which were r...

Re: impossible d'éradiquer MPC cleaner

dans Désinfection par Chapi


Bienvenue sur le forum ! Nous allons essayer de régler ton problème ensemble. D'abord, quelques rappels :

  • N'ouvre pas d'autres sujets pour le même problème (que ce soit sur ce forum ou sur un autre)
  • N'hésite pas à poser des questions en cas de besoin ;)
  • Sois patient(e) quand tu postes un message, je ne réponds pas instantanément : je suis bénévole et je ne suis pas en permanence de...

Re: XP sp3 AdwCleaner 5.108

Hi Xplode. Sorry, not working. I tried as above (deleting and replacing libeay32dll) with both v5.109 and the debug version that you posted too.

Both give "Procedure entry point EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding could not be located in the dynamic link library LIBEAY32dll" error. Followed by "SQLite3dll cannot be loaded" error.

Re: Internet issues after running adwcleaner Winsock2 being deleted

Hello Xplode,

Thanks for your time looking into this matter.  I apologize I was away and not able to assist shortly after reporting this issue.  I had noticed that you had released a couple of newer versions while I was away, so I downloaded and ran the newest one 5.109, but the issue persisted.  Please note that I am not deleting any files or folders that your program detects (as there are so...


dans AdwCleaner par ****


After installing Adwcleaner 5.108 After I click scan then I get this error: 

Can not find access point of procedure EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding in DLL file

C:\Users\Hennie\AppData\Local\Temp\sqlit3.ddl. When I click on OK I get:

SQLite3.dll cannot be loaded.

The file is in this map. And is 736 KB. 

Adwcleaner is not working.

Greetings Hennie