Re: Je n'ai pas la connexion internet en démarrant l'ordinateur le matin


Votre ordinateur est connecté via câble ou wi-fi ?


  • Rendez vous sur la page de téléchargement de ZHPDiag, puis cliquez sur le bouton bleu "Nicolas Coolman - Télécharger".
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  • A la fin de l'analyse, cliquez sur l'icône "Rapport", un rapport v...

Re: Download AdwCleaner

I think I have managed to do it !! I opened the folder as opposed to 'run'. It seems to have worked. Thank you for your reply. Mike


Re: Adware turning off email protection in Total defense

dans AdwCleaner par ****

Can I ask if I launch  adw cleaner again will it run a scan as I dont want it to as I have just reinstalled my antivirus and yes the em protection is working now . Can I then get the log files without running the scans please .

I checked the total defense under services msc after the em protection got turned off and they were all started so it didnt look like anything had been deleted .The sam...

Re: False Positive - C:\Ap

dans AdwCleaner par level2

Quarantine manager froze and was very slow.  I uninstalled per instructions on other thread.  Still no access to the directory.

Adware turning off email protection in Total defense

dans AdwCleaner par ****

Can you tell me how to stop adware from turning off my email protection when I do an adware scan please . When I try to activate the email protection in the turn on page it says fixed but immediately sends another alert to say it is off . I use Total defense anti virus .

This has happened before when I ran adware and I had to completely reinstall my antivirus to get the email protection operat...

Re: Adwcleaner not working with XP SP3

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


@Rufus415 : Yes, this pop-up informs you that nothing has been found, so nothing will be shown in the logfile nor in the software's interface.

We should indeed hide the message asking to uncheck if the pop-up is shown.

Thanks for your feedback.

Re: False Positive - C:\Ap

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


Ah! :)  How can I delete the original quarantine files.  I no longer have access, and I restored via copy and paste then renamed the .vir extension via batch.  Now I no longer have access to the original quarantine directory to delete it.

level2, 2016-01-05 00:36:28 (UTC)

You should use the quarantine manager instead. Please refer to the documentation to see how to use it.


AdwCleaner Will Not Run on Win XP Computer

adwcleaner will not run on my windows xpsp3 computer..

here is what "windows events" shows:

Event Type:	Error
Event Source:	Application Error
Event Category:	None
Event ID:	1000
Date:		1/4/2016
Time:		6:30:17 PM
User:		N/A
Computer:	user-PC
Faulting application adwcleaner.exe, version, faulting module adwcleaner.exe, version, fault address 0x000211de.


Re: Défaut sur Google

Bonjour et bonne année à vous !

j'ai fais un scane de nétoyage ok ,mais pour le netoyage du registre  peux tu mindiquer quoi cocher.

leon44, 2016-01-04 19:14:33 (UTC)

Rien à cocher du côté de CCleaner car comme indiqué, c'est propre !

Concernant DelFix, tout est bon ?

Si oui, c'est ok pour moi et on pourra marquer le sujet en "résolu". SI vous avez ...

Re: Défaut sur Google

Bonsoir fr33tux

Dabort tous mais voeux pour cette nouvelle Année.

Le pc fonctionne toujour et pas de rupture de connection google.

j'ai fais un scane de nétoyage ok ,mais pour le netoyage du registre  peux tu mindiquer quoi cocher.

