check internet explorer's settings, assuming that you are using "internet explorer", and see if "toolslib.net" has been added to IE's "restricted sites" zone.. if so, you will need to remove it from the list of "restricted sites"..
don't ask me how it was added to IE's "restricted sites" zone.. i don't know..
or, it is possible that microsoft has a blocklist for IE where the download is being...
Ah! :) How can I delete the original quarantine files. I no longer have access, and I restored via copy and paste then renamed the .vir extension via batch. Now I no longer have access to the original quarantine directory to delete it.
I know this is very basic but so am I.
When I try to download AdwCleaner I get A pop up that says :
Your current security settings do not allow this file to be downloaded.
Please help.
Thank you
Bonsoir fr33tux
Dabort tous mais voeux pour cette nouvelle Année.
Le pc fonctionne toujour et pas de rupture de connection google.
j'ai fais un scane de nétoyage ok ,mais pour le netoyage du registre peux tu mindiquer quoi cocher.
AdwCleaner found folder C:\Ap and removed the folder and everything underneath it. It's a foldershare for one of our customer servers. Not sure why it would be detected as malware?
# AdwCleaner v5.027 - Logfile created 30/12/2015 at 17:52:56
# Updated 30/12/2015 by Xplode
# Database : 2015-12-30.1 [Server]
# Operating system : Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (x86)
# Use...
j utilise windows 8.1. mon probleme est que adwC ne s execute pas et se met en e background. a chaque fois c est pareille. il ya aussi le probleme de telechargement, j ai eu beaucoup de peine pour le telecharger, a chaque fois il y a un message comme qu oi je n est pas assez de ressource. Finalement j ai reussi a me debarasser de ce pb en restaurant une ancienne version du systeme. Donc, attent...
Quelques questions:
1) A quoi a pu servir Delfix?
2) Faut il fréquemment utiliser Cccleaner? et principalement quesl nettoyages?
3) J'utilise AVG TUU auquel je suis abonné: que penses tu de ce logiciel?
4) Je suis auusi abonné à Malware que j'utilise fréquemment?
5) Que vaut Privazer que j'ai utilisé parfois car aux dires de certains il "décaperait" trop?
Sinon tu peux mettre en résolu ce...