Adwcleaner - FF extension false positives?

Howdy, I sent the author of bloody vikings your way a while back. I'm here today because two extensions I regularly use are being detected by adwcleaner.

1. "ClassicThemeRestorer" (I am using the developer/beta edition.)

2. "SavedPasswordEditor"


Re: AdWare unable to clean DNSUnlocker

Can you find this adware on your Programs and Features? If you can see it there, you will be able to uninstall DNS Unlocker from your computer. And then you need to check if malicious browser extensions haven been added to your Chrome. You can get rid of it by following the removal guide in this post.

Re: Windows 10...Failed to Install...

Hi,   Have done what you suggested and Updates are now being downloaded and installed..Many Thank's...Another nagging problem is this...We are adding some new features to Windows 10....Something happened and we could not install a feature....Can you help me on this problem....Thank's in Advance....

Re: AdwCleaner suddenly stops

dans AdwCleaner par simon123

Hi again,

here is the file you mentioned, I uploaded on my cloud drive and it should be accessible.

Re: AdwCleaner suddenly stops

dans AdwCleaner par simon123


here is the new log file. It again showd an error sign.

2015-11-09 18:44:28 : [Notice]		Scan started
2015-11-09 18:44:28 : [Success]		Internet connection is UP
2015-11-09 18:44:28 : [Success]		Loaded C:\Users\MY\AppData\Local\Temp\sqlite.dll
2015-11-09 18:44:28 : [Success]		Opened C:\Users\MY\AppData\Local\Temp\adwcleaner.db
2015-11-09 18:44:28 : [Success]		Database v2015-11-09.1


dans AdwCleaner par prston

I used the current version of AdwCleaner today without issue.  I run 3 layers of PAID active Anti-Virus protection:  Emsisoft Anti-Virus, Malwarebytes Pro, and Hitman Pro. 

In response to the false positive claim of AdwCleaner being a threat, I did a scan on the AdwCleaner.exe with all three AV programs.  AdwCleaner came back CLEAN.  Also, I have used it for years...and AdwCleaner catches the ...

Re: Problem AdwCleaner


Signatures are automatically updated if the computer has an active network connection. Otherwise, AdwCleaner use the embedded database.

I hope that answers to your question ?



fr33tux, 2015-11-06 19:40:59 (UTC)

Problem is automatic, please activate to offline update signature and give imrpot file to adwcleaner it is important for people.

Do you think  Comodo Cleaning ...

Re: windupdate


Ok. We'll do a small analysis to check something..

  • Download RogueKiller here
  • Execute the file "setup.exe" as Administrator (right-click on the file -> Execute as Administrator"
  • The pre-scan will occur, please wait until it ends.
  • Then click on [Scan] on the right hand corner. Wait until the scan finish.
  • Finally, host the generated logfile on and copy/paste here the provide...

Adwcleaner 5.018 et SpywareBlaster

dans AdwCleaner par Sophia


Adwcleaner 5.018 (idem version précédente 5.016) relève comme un problème les protections ActiveX de SpywareBlaster, ainsi que la protection de la page d'accueil (valeur trouvée controle Panel homepage)

Avec la version 5.016 j'avais tout supprimé et revacciné avec SpywareBlaster.

A présent je ne supprime plus.

Au passage merci pour le forum.

Valeur et clefs en question : Valeur Tr...

Re: Problem AdwCleaner

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


Signatures are automatically updated if the computer has an active network connection. Otherwise, AdwCleaner use the embedded database.

I hope that answers to your question ?
