AdwCleaner deletes acestream but it reappears after Windows start-up

Mỗi tiếng nói lập trình sẽ có những thứ hạng thách thức riêng trong mỗi cuộc phỏng vấn, đôi chút cũng còn thuộc hạ vào cá tính của người phỏng vấn & tài dẫn dắt mẩu chuyện của developer. Bài viết mạn phép tổng hợp tư khúc mắc "mẹo" thường gặp gỡ trong những buổi phỏng vấn Front-end developer. Chưa phải là các câu hóc búa số 1, cơ mà chỉ việc quành một tí thôi, cũng đủ khiến các ai chưa sẵn sàng...

Adware Cleaner, Can It Really Stop Anything Except Healthy Software?

dans AdwCleaner par ethelena

I have, and had have problem with a "virus". When I click on anything on my webscreen (on a link for example) so instead for the link I clicked on opens a new window that want to sell something or ad for something. Mostly it`s "Pc repair" it`s been around for sometimes now and it`s extremly annoying. And adware cleaner don`t do anything to stop or even reqognize this virus. Not only adaware, no...

Re: when a finally update of this 7.0.8 vers..??

dans AdwCleaner par Destrio5


Maybe your brain is end of life, not AdwCleaner. The database is updated several times a week.

Can you stop repeating the same thing ? It looks like a scratched disc.

***caught unhandled unknown exception; terminating

using latest version 13/03/18

# Updated on 2018/08/02 by Malwarebytes # Database: 2018-03-12.1 # Running on Windows 7 Ultimate (X64) # Mode: scan # Support:

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious services found.

***** [ Folders ] *****

PUP.Optional.AdvancedSystemCare, C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\IObit\Advanced SystemCare PUP...

ADWCleaner not update database

dans AdwCleaner par digi340

Hello. I use AdwCleaner, but for some time the database does not update, sure the problem is not from Comodo Firewall, other security solutions are updating.Do not update either in safe mode with the network. Thanks.

Re: Adwclwaner y Norton anti-virus


Please turn off Norton's realtime protection when using AdwCleaner or add it to the exclusion list. Then, you should be able to run it successfully.

Don't forget to turn on the protection when you're done.

Feel free to ask if you need more details.


Adwclwaner y Norton anti-virus

dans AdwCleaner par producer

Several elements must be present in a fast-track product launch if it is to be successful, say executives from Kiwi Brands Inc, which launched its Ty-D-Bol Triple Action Stain-Fighting Liquid in Oct 1995 after just 150 days of preparation. Those elements include clear communications and a close working relationship between different segments of the design team, computerized information processi...

Re: vers 7.0


As I said (many many times) AdwCleaner v7.1 is still being developed actively. Unfortunately it took some time (longer than we expected) but it's almost ready.

I'm closing this one. Feel free to open a new thread if you have more questions.

Re: ADWCleaners is downloaded with corruption constantly


The issue with download managers is known and will be resolved at the end of the week. In the meantime, please avoid using any download manager while downloading AdwCleaner - it should then work as expected.

To be more precise, this is related to parallel download feature (in Chrome, since version 64) and some other download managers.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


ADWCleaners is downloaded with corruption constantly

dans AdwCleaner par JamesD

Some strange thing is going on when I try to download ADWCleaner 7.0.8 I assume it is on my side but please confirm. Most of the time downloaded file is corrupted with wrong checksums. It was 100% always corrupted when downloaded with Download Master (download manager) until I finally set option of "download files in 1 thread" AND it must not rename a file at the end if already same named file ...