Re: ADWcleaner whitelist request for remote access tool called...

dans AdwCleaner par SavaTom

Thank you for taking the time to work with me on this. It is greatly appreciated.

In the debug log I see SimpleService.exe as a service being killed with no whitelist line under it but it appears that file isn't actually the file that keeps the remote session active anyways.

I manually killed the SimpleService.exe service and the remote session stays active with no problems.

Please see scree...

Re: ADWcleaner whitelist request for remote access tool called...

dans AdwCleaner par SavaTom

Thank you, but unforunately, the date of the last changelog still says 24/08/16 with version v6.010 - and the most current version to download right now is v6.010 :(

Just downloaded v6.010 and it still kills SimpleService.exe

Where can I make a donation to ADWcleaner?

Thank you,

Please advise.

ADWcleaner whitelist request for remote access tool called...

dans AdwCleaner par SavaTom

Simple Help from

File requested to whitelist is called SimpleService.exe


Re: Entry Point EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding not found


Here is what we gonna try to get it fixed :

  • Download DelFix from Xplode on your desktop;
  • Launch it with administrator rights;
  • Select all the option except the one proposing to save the registry;
  • Then click on the "Execute" button;
  • When everything is finish, the software will close itself;
  • Then a report appear on the notepad, please copy paste it's content in your answer.

Tell ...

Re: AdwCleaner 6.0 won't delete detected threats.

dans AdwCleaner par mnf

Hi, it is fixed - I scanned again and "0" threats detected.  I'm posting the logfile anyway in case it may be of use to you.  Thanks

P.S. Here's a simple copy/paste of the header. I tried to paste screen shots but I got "Reply invalid, must be between 3 and 50,000 letters."  How do I paste .jpg/.png, for future reference?

# AdwCleaner v6.000 - Logfile created 20/08/2016 at 07:32:29 # Updated ...

How can i delete that (.txt)

dans AdwCleaner par ****

I scan and i go to logfile then it has one ..(.txt) come up then after that i double click it like the hint below just said and a notepad appear. How can I delete that note pad and how can i find this like you have on ypur sample.screenshot that have reset and delete then next is quarantine.. thankyou :)

Re: ADWcleaner wants to remove Reimage Repair

dans AdwCleaner par M-K-D-B

I don't know why, but every time I run ADWCleaner it wants to remove Reimage Repair.  I don't want this removed.  

Can anyone tell me why ADWCleaner wants to?

alowe56, 2016-08-10 01:03:58 (UTC)

The answer to your question is very simple. AdwCleaner is a tool designed to remove PUP, Adware and browser hijackers.


According to different analyses, "Reimage Repair" is classified as PUP/Adwa...


dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


Great ! Thanks for your patience.

So, to conclude, if the computer seems stable, please proceed below. Otherwise, don't do the following instructions but telle me what's wrong.

We'll remove all the used tools :

  • Download DelFix from Xplode on your desktop.
  • Launch it with administrator rights.
  • Select all the option except the one proposing to save the registry.
  • Then click on the "Ex...

Re: AdwCleaner v5.201 - Rapport créé le 31/07/2016 à 22:41:09


Comment désinstaller ZHPDiag du bureau. Le point exe et le programme lui-même?  Est-ce qu'on le supprime tout simplement ou il y a autre chose à faire. Merci de me le dire.

Re: A quand une mise à jour

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


Vous pouvez suivre cette procédure pour supprimer Snapdo:

Il vous faudra ensuite simplement réinstaller les extensions souhaitées.

Confirmez-moi que le problème est alors résolu.
