How to get rid of Adware and PUPs?

Adware, also known as potentially unwanted programs (PUPs), can be frustrating to deal with as they can clutter your computer with unwanted advertisements and pop-ups. Fortunately, there are several ways to get rid of adware or PUPs. Here are some steps you can take.

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AdwCleaner 6.000

par fr33tux
Hello there, its been a while since our last blog post about AdwCleaner. The reason is simple: the new release of AdwCleaner, v6.000, is now available for everyone on the official download page!
Thanks to the new code base, it’s considered as a major release which brings countless improvements, bug fixes, and new features. Here are a few important ones:

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How do we handle a permanently increasing traffic on ToolsLib.

par fr33tux
Everyday we deal with an increasing traffic, coming from and to ToolsLib. These last weeks have been interesting to follow since we moved to a larger scale a bit earlier than expected.
We want to share some figures, graphs and explanations about how we deal with an important traffic and increasing data quantity on our infrastructure.

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Some updates that will warm you up during these cold times

par fr33tux
A pretty huge update has been published saturday evening on ToolsLib. It was mainly focused on the interface usability and software presentation, but also added improvements in the way developers get feedbacks from their users.

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Un blog pour l'équipe... mais aussi pour les développeurs !

par fr33tux
Après plusieurs semaines sans améliorations notables, nous publions une nouvelle section du site, un blog ! Nous voulons être toujours plus proches de nos utilisateurs, pouvoir communiquer, être transparents, et il nous manquait un moyen simple de nous adresser à vous.

C'est donc avec grand plaisir que nous vous présentons cette nouvelle section... aussi destinée aux développeurs !

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