Re: Souris double clic toute seule


Avez-vous essayé avec une autre souris ?

cocochepeau, 2016-05-05 14:57:49 (UTC)

Je vois que vous utilisez Malwarebytes, pouvez-vous effectuer une scan et me partager le rapport (toujours en utilisant

Merci :)

Re: help with a script


You should be able to restore all files directly from quarantine manager by clicking on "All" then "Restore", but if it fails, you can download this file :

Then open AdwCleaner's quarantine manager, click on "Load script", select the downloaded file then "Open".

Wait a little bit, then a report should open. Please upload it on Toolslib and post th...

Re: Probablement faux positif v5.115


@User547952 : this key does not belong to Mozilla Firefox only. Mozilla Firefox creates this key only for a limited time (the current session). However, we target the same key created by several malwares, which is not deleted when the current session is terminated.

It's a corner case, but we'll look deeper to see what we can do about that..

Best regards,

Re: Probleme de base de donnée


Pouvez-vous télécharger SEAF. Clic-droit sur l'icône -> Exécuter en temps qu'Administrateur.

Dans le champ de recherche, entrez "sqlite3.dll". Cliquez sur "Lancer la recherche".

Un rapport s'ouvre à la fin, envoyez le ici. Il contiendra l'ensemble des fichiers portant le nom ci-dessus présent sur votre système.

Merci pour votre patience,

Re: Probablement faux positif v5.115

User547952, "Note: La clé est temporaire et est supprimée à la fermeture de session." Note: The key is temporary and is deleted at logoff.

Thank you for that information . Yes a scan today with AdwCleaner v5.115 found No Problems


Re: help with a script


If you need to restore everything, just open the Quarantine manager, click on "All" in the selection box, and then "Restore".

Best regards,

Re: help with a script

Did I understand correctly, do you need to restore all files from quarantine?

In this case, click the "Load script file", choose Quarantine.log which you have attached and click the "Restore".    

Re: Probablement faux positif v5.115

User547952, "Were you able to install the partial update?" = Yes Firefox 46.0.1 did install via the update it was a full update.

Re: help with a script

on AdwCleaner by ****

Hi regist,

First of all thank you for the interest, I need to restore everything in Genius folder, 

I'm still waiting Xplode for the script...maybe he's busy


Re: Probleme de base de donnée

Le problème est toujours présent, même aprés désintallation.

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