Re: adwcleaner missing info in log file ""bug""

Can you share the Scan logfile too? (C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[S46].txt)


fr33tux, 2016-11-03 02:47:56 (UTC)

here is the other log

Re: Adwcleaner logo disappear


We'll need to do a small search on your system:

  • Download FRST
  • Right-click on the file -> "Execute as Administrator"
  • Enter AdwCleaner.jpg in the text-field
  • Click on the "Search Files" button
  • The logfile is saved as Search.txt
  • Please host it on Up2Share and share the generated link.


Re: adwcleaner missing info in log file ""bug""

Can you share the Scan logfile too? (C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[S46].txt)


Re: adwcleaner missing info in log file ""bug""


Can you share the whole logfile?


fr33tux, 2016-11-02 20:00:05 (UTC)


yes I can . I just make another test for this issue by re-run adwclaner and it happne once again ! and here is my log file

Re: adwcleaner missing info in log file ""bug""


Can you share the whole logfile?


adwcleaner missing info in log file ""bug""


it’s just happned to me .... this is the first time I got this problem which is that this adware cleaner tool found some adware and then I click on "clean button" for removal and I have to restart the system then the adware log is just to open on windows start-up but there is no info about deleted items (the info of removal items is almost missing in log file even with removal of some adwar...

Re: Menace Persistante après nettoyage


Ci joint les fichiers

Voici comment je procede, ça ne doit pas etre correcte.

je met fixlist.txt sur le bureau.

je lance FRST64, je lance l'analyse

et ne trouvant pas le bouton FIX, j'ouvre fixlist.txt

J'attend que ca se passe......


Re: Menace Persistante après nettoyage


Effectivement, excusez-moi pour mon message en anglais ci-dessus..

Pouvez-vous retenter en suivant bien les instructions ? J'ai changé le lien également:

Téléchargez   fixlist.txt

NOTE. Il est important de placer les fichiers FRST/FRST64 et fixlist.txt dans le même répertoire, sinon cela ne fonctionnera pas. (si FRST.exe est sur votre bureau, fixlist.txt doit être également sur vo...