Unable to delete Adware

Hey guys,

The scan works perfectly fine but after that the program doesn't react to any action. It doesn't freeze but the only think I can do is ticking files.

Edit: AV is deactivated






Re: How to select drive?


It's currently not supported, AdwCleaner will only scan the system drive.

We may plan this feature in a future release if needed.

Key keeps coming back HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Stats\{3CA2F312-6F6E-4B53-A66E-4E65E497C8C0}

on AdwCleaner by ****

The key below is marked by adwcleaner as PUP.  When I delete it, It keeps coming back, no matter what I do.

I delete, reboot and it is back. I manually delete, run the scan again and it is gone. Howevever, it comes back in 15-30 minutes, even if I do not reboot.

This is the key:  HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Ext\Stats\{3CA2F312-6F6E-4B53-A66E-4E65E497C8C0} 

Is this somethin...

ADW Cleaner se désinstalle tout seul

on AdwCleaner by ****


J'ai téléchargé le programme ADW Cleaner sur 2 de mes ordinateurs ce matin. J'ai lancé ensuite un scanner puis un nettoyage avec succès, mais le programme semble s'être désinstallé automatiquement à la suite de ces opérations...or, je souhaiterais le garder installé.

Que dois-je faire?

AdwCleaner v5.201 > False Positives?

Bon Soir AdwCleaner software development experts,

I ran your tool for the first time today and I have a few 3 concerns [A, B & C]:


A. I noticed that it flags 2 Chrome extensions:

  1. ScriptBlock [ID: hcdjknjpbnhdoabbngpmfekaecnpajba] : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/scriptblock/hcdjknjpbnhdoabbngpmfekaecnpajba?utm_source=chrome-app-launcher-info-dialog
  2. OneTab [ID: chphlpgkkbolifai...

Re: adware cleaner hangs


Can you tick the option "Activate the debug mode" before clicking on "Clean" ? Then, a logfile will appears in C:\AdwCleaner, even if the software freezes.

Also, can you provide me the scan logfile ?

1. First question-does adware scan everything on the top line-services, files, folders or do I have to select?

nellatap, 2016-07-10 06:58:48 (UTC)

Yes, AdwCleaner scans services, file...

adware cleaner hangs

on AdwCleaner by ****

1. First question-does adware scan everything on the top line-services, files, folders or do I have to select?

2. Second question-after pressing "Clean" everything seems to hang forever-I can't then get out of Adware-screen dims & everything frozen

What am I doing wrong or not doing-please help


Re: SearchScopes in my Internet Explorer Registry

on Disinfection by ****
# AdwCleaner v5.201 - Logfile created 06/07/2016 at 19:11:11 # Updated 30/06/2016 by ToolsLib # Database : 2016-07-06.1 [Server] # Operating system : Windows 10 Home  (X64) # Username : Aaron - AARON # Running from : C:\Users\Aaron\Downloads\adwcleaner_5.201.exe # Option : Scan # Support : https://toolslib.net/forum

***** [ Services ] *****

***** [ Folders ] *****

***** [ Files ] *****


Re: Nettoyage suite à trojan


Avez-vous une capture d'écran de l'alerte donnée par votre antivirus ?


En complément, afin d'avoir plus d'informations :

  • Rendez vous sur la page de téléchargement de ZHPDiag, puis cliquez sur le bouton bleu "Nicolas Coolman - Télécharger".
  • Enregistrez le fichier lancez le,
  • Cliquez sur l'icône "Scanner" pour faire une analyse complète puis patientez, ça peut durer quelques minut...

Re: Adwcleaner broke my web browser

on AdwCleaner by ****


Sorry for the delay.

Can you relaunch AdwCleaner, click on Options and tick "Reset TCP/IP settings" and "Reset Proxy settings". Then, do a scan followed by a Clean. The computer should reboot, and the logfile will appears then.

Please share it here as above.

Best regards,

fr33tux, 2016-07-06 21:04:52 (UTC)

still encountered same problem. here is the logfile https://mega.nz/#!FMlj...