Re: Possibly False Positive - AdwCleaner


After some verifications, it seems like this driver is legit although it can be used by some PUPs. It has been removed from the database.



Hi !

What a quick reply and perfect support :-)

I do a cleanup of the installed software frequently, there should be not to much unknown.

Most of the programs you listed are installed since a while and known to me (some are quite famous like Corel or Paragon), only DocMgr is quite questionable - it isn't listed in the installed programs, and I can find it listed in the start menu.

I ran cCl...

Re: crash

faut pas garder les outils dans la machine ils sont mis à jour très souvent et non automatique


et la suite Iobit , tu peux virer ca vaut rien

Re: impossible d'éradiquer MPC cleaner

Super !

Voici quelques conseils finaux :)

  1. Pour gagner un peu d'espace en supprimant des fichiers inutiles :
  • Télécharge et installe CCleaner --> lance le --> clique sur Nettoyeur --> Analyse --> Lancer le nettoyage --> OK.
  • Ensuite, clique sur "Options" --> "Surveillance" --> décoche toutes les cases liées à la surveillance.
  1. Suppression des outils :
  • Télécharge DelFix de Xplode sur ton bureau.
  • ...

Re: impossible d'éradiquer MPC cleaner

on Disinfection by ****


je viens de faire la manip. Voilà le résultat :

Rapport de ZHPFix 2015.10.19.9 par Nicolas Coolman, Update du 19/10/2015 Fichier d'export Registre : Run by JF at 07/04/2016 20:29:20 High Elevated Privileges : OK Windows 8 Home Premium Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (10586)

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Re: impossible d'éradiquer MPC cleaner



Parfait, adwcleaner à bien fait son boulot. On va utiliser ZHPFix, un logiciel de Nicolas Coolman, afin de supprimer quelques éléments restants :

  • Rends toi sur la page de téléchargement de ZHPFix, puis clique sur le bouton bleu "Nicolas Coolman - Télécharger".
  • Enregistre le fichier où tu veux et lance le (fais le par un clic-droit -> Exécuter en temps qu'administrateur).
  • Laisse ...

Re: XP sp3 AdwCleaner 5.108

Yes I'm aware of that, I'm running on limited RAM, so sometimes older versions are a must. But, I run Firefox in Sandboxie, and the older versions of Avast and MBAM still get current definitions updates....At the end of the day XP is out of date by a couple of years. Limited finances prevent upgrades. The Motherboard is maxed out at 512MB RAM. But having said all that, the machine runs lean and...

Re: XP sp3 AdwCleaner 5.108

Hi Xplode,

Sadly the same...

Event Type:    Error Event Source:    Application Error Event Category:    None Event ID:    1000 Date:        06/04/2016 Time:        11:20:44 AM User:        N/A Computer:    USER-********** Description: Faulting application adwcleaner_debug.exe, version, faulting module libeay32.dll, version, fault address 0x00070d1b.

For more information, see ...

Re: Internet issues after running adwcleaner Winsock2 being deleted

C:\WINDOWS\system32>reg copy /?

REG COPY KeyName1 KeyName2 [/s] [/f] [/reg:32 | /reg:64]

  KeyName    [\\Machine\]FullKey     Machine  Name of remote machine - omitting defaults to the current machine.              Only HKLM and HKU are available on remote machines.     FullKey  ROOTKEY\SubKey     ROOTKEY  [ HKLM | HKCU | HKCR | HKU | HKCC ]     SubKey   The full name of a registry key under ...

Re: Internet issues after running adwcleaner Winsock2 being deleted

I did not uncheck the "Reset Winsock Settings", and originally discovered this issue only happens when this is checked.  I did a comparison of registry files before and after and saw that the major difference in the two was the deletion of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WinSock2 registry folders and sub folders - literally everything in that was deleted.

Here is the c...