General Question about AdsFix

Hi there, 

I just have some questions about your program. 

1: Does AdsFix have a pause button? During the analyzing sequence it took over 4 hours to scan (and that was at 57%), I didn't expect it to go for so long. 

2: When I pressed escape on the keyboard; when it was analyzing, the computer froze up and windows was seizing. Followed by a frozen screen and I had to hard reset the computer. ...

Re: False Positives V7

ActiveX detection started after the new update. I am getting the same pop-ups. I can assure you it is not malware. ActiveX detections are usually guidelines for processes and services to follow. While they can be exploited, I doubt this is the case.

Re: My First Post: Are These Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility Entries False Positives

ActiveX detections are usual FP's. Try doing an additional scan with Malwarebytes to confirm that. But I am fairly certain that these should not be detected. According to the internet and research that I did, ActiveX sets guidelines for processes, it can be exploited to some degree, but Adwcleaner would have removed them if found.

Re: extansion .no_more_ransom

Future here! Hopefully, you will be able to understand this in English. Decided, to surf some older posts and add some information to what we now know. 2 Vendors currently have a decryptor for it as part of the "No More Ransom" project (Not related to this extension, this extension is just mocking). You can find Kaspersky's and McAfee's versions respectively. Additionally, you can read more abo...

Re: Launchpage infection

Hopefully, you can understand English or google translate this. I know this is an old forum, but since it doesn't have a definitive answer, I'd like to share my experience and a solution. My friend had a similar couple of weeks ago. You are dealing with a redirect virus or some form of adware. Quite annoying really. I have used Malwarebytes and Adwcleaner to elevate the issue alongside these in...

Re: autorisation


Voici le guide officiel :

Comme précisé dans celui-ci, vous pouvez ajouter l'adresse d'un site dans une liste d'exclusions, disponible depuis les options de Malwarebytes 3.

N'hésitez pas si vous avez besoin de plus de détails.


Re: Start\Windows icon

Have you noticed anything else weird/out of the ordinary on your PC? Can you try booting into Windows "Safe mode with networking" and see if you can do any of the actions through that. Otherwise, I would recommend doing a thorough malware check just in case.

Full and thorough malware check:

1. Restart your PC in “Safe mode with networking.” 2. Install and run RKill to kill malicious processes...

Start\Windows icon

May or may not be a Clean_DNS  problem but since the day of installing Clean_DNS the Windows\Start icon in bottom left of Win 10 screen is a mess, ie left clicking on it shows all options but lets you go/click no further on any of them. If I right click the Start icon though most of those options work, but Search won't work. Anyone any idea how to correct this scenario? Again, I say it may not ...

Re: Win10PESE startup


Since you're booting from a DVD, the 5 minutes boot time seems reasonable. When you boot from this kind of support/device, a lot of things are loaded in the RAM itself. It also depends on the max speed provided by your disk reader.

Are you suggesting I boot from the ISO itself on disk? If so, I don't know how to do that.

JW01, 2017-08-16 14:20:15 (UTC)

I'm pretty sure it isn't doable...

Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

I again dear friend, Hi friends, sorry a little OT (my post can be moved to a more appropriate thread, if you want, thanks). A way to force Firefox to playback (as in the glorious past) youtube, facebook, skylinewebcams videos via Flash Player (developed until 2020!) instead of the catastrophic html5. In the past month I was able to add a Mozilla addon in FF and/or to change the MP4 keys in abo...