Téléchargement AdwCleaner V_5.026


Que de galères ! Suite à un pétage de plomb, après quelques jours d'interruption d'utilisation de l'ordi. à cause de problèmes de mise à jour de CCleaner, j'ai réussi à balancer le logiciel de Piriform. Dans la foulée, j'ai nettoyé le système et mis bêtement à la corbeille AdxCleaner ??? Maintenant, avec la configuration Windows 97, Windows XP, navigateur Mozilla Firefox (navigation p...

False Positive: Google Input Tools

Hello, so today I did a scan in my own computer and found out AdwCleaner considers the Google Input Tools browser extension (mclkkofklkfljcocdinagocijmpgbhab) a Malware/PUP.

Here's the log:

# AdwCleaner v5.026 - Registro generado 26/12/2015 en 09:59:39
# Actualizado 21/12/2015 por Xplode
# Base de datos : 2015-12-23.1 [Servidor]
# Sistema operativo : Windows 10 Home Single Language  (x64)
# ...

Re: Défaut sur Google

Bonsoir fr33tux

Cela fait drolle de démaré comme avent le surf.

Je te joint le fichier : https://up2sha.re/file?f=2mQmY2tbP8gX

Et te confirme la stabiliter sous 48

Merci à toi 

Léon 44

Re: False positive , Yahoo.xml

on AdwCleaner by ****

Well , negitive on MBAM , doesn't get flagged on my end with it, with latest definitions .

Maybe because your on version 2.xx and I am on 1.70

Re: i was locked out of my windows 10 pc


Ok. So infortunately, I don't have any solution for you.. You may give a look to this page..


Re: i was locked out of my windows 10 pc

on Windows by ****

it is local account. computer kept saying "the password is incorrect. try again". 

Re: your latest versions..



first lots of thxs and compliments for yr work and yr precious time you gift to us!

Thanks :)

1) since vers 5.0 there is no mnore the -ie tab-..but only the firefox and chrome tab..why..?

-> https://toolslib.net/forum/viewthread/182-en-adwcleaner-documentation/

IE configuration is almost fully stored in the windows registry, that's why the detections are now listed in this ...

your latest versions..


first lots of thxs and compliments for yr work and yr precious time you gift to us!


1) since vers 5.0 there is no mnore the -ie tab-..but only the firefox and chrome tab..why..?

2)since the latest 5.0.23 up to last 5.0.25 the prog finds me a tool:driver easy that i found installed on my pc..

   maybe is a false positive..??


thxs so much again!!


Re: AdwCleaner Report


As promised, here's my answer :

We need to delete a las thing wit a ZHPFix script. Please repeat the procedure above with the following content :

Script ZHPFix:


Then, share me the logfile.

Then, we'll begin the cleaning part :

  1. Start CCleaner (there should be a shortcut on your Desktop)
  2. Go in Options tab > Advanced, un...

Re: AdwCleaner Report

Hi fr33tux,

I'm anxiously waiting for your answer regarding my last sumission:


and https://up2sha.re/file?f=XdgvSr85Abg9

Thank you