False positive?

I have just scanned my notebook and AdwCleaner v6.046 tells me Auslogics DIsk Defrag is malware, is that correct? Thank you very much, sincerely yours Juan

page web bloqué

depuis quelques temps malwares bytes me met un message du type :


Site web bloqué

Il me met une adresse ip, un port, il m'affiche  "en sortie" ainsi que "depuis msiexec.exe".


J'ai beau faire des scanns les plus complets possibles rien n'est détecté, que faire ?

False positives?

halo, my english is bad ,  english grammar will be a problem

today i use adwcleaner this record appears ( Last time use adwcleaner 20/4/2017 no this record )

but "C:\Windows\unins000.exe,unins000.dat" last modify date is 17/11/2016

then i use virustotal check the Files is harmless



Re: Sqlite3.dll is corrupted or has been replaced


Our sqlite3.dll is slightly modified, so you won't be able to just "replace it".

You still got the same error message when starting a scan with AdwCleaner?


sqlite3.dll is corrupted

When i click on scan, they denied me with message "sqlite3.dll is corrupted or has been replaced." i'm trying to delete it and install again several times using this link: https://toolslib.net/downloads/viewdownload/1-adwcleaner/, and every time same... THen i downloaded  SEAF : https://toolslib.net/downloads/viewdownload/155-seaf/ and there is a results:

1. ========================= SEAF 1.0...

Database corrupted

Windows XP only:

1) Put AdwCleaner.exe in any folder, for example C:\1

2) Create C:\1\AdwCleaner\settings.ini and run AdwCleaner & Scan

3) Get error: *Database corrupted. Please uninstall AdwCleaner and download it again.

Sqlite3.dll is corrupted or has been replaced

Hi friends, I have adwcleaner v 6.045, w7, x64. The case is that with previous versions of adwcleaner I have not had problems but now when I try to run the scan, I get the message: sqlite3.dll is corrupted or has been replaced. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the program, copied sqlite3.dll into system32 and into SysWOW64 .... the x86 and x64 version of the dll file ..... I'm going crazy ... p...

sqlite3.dll is corrupted

Impossible de faire un scan toujours le meme message meme apres la manipulation avec CCleaner



Attention : tu dois prendre la version compatible avec ton système : 32 ou 64 bits.

32 ou 64 bits - Comment savoir ?

  • Lance FRST (Sous Windows Vista/7/8/10, clic droit sur FRST > Exécuter en tant qu'administrateur).
  • Coche la case Addition.txt.
  • Clique sur le bouton Analyser.
  • Une fois le scan terminé, deux rapports FRS...

Re: menace trouvée: DrvAgent64.SYS - faux positif ?


Un PUP nommé DriverAgentPlus installe ce fichier DRVAGENT64.SYS (DrvAgent32.sys sur un Windows 32 bits). Lien VirusTotal de l'analyse de l'installateur :


# AdwCleaner v6.045 - Rapport créé le 16/04/2017 à 20:03:02
# Mis à jour le 28/03/2017 par Malwarebytes
# Bas...