Private: How to Stay Safe When Downloading Software

Downloading software is common, but it comes with risks like malware and phishing attacks. Learn essential steps to stay safe, from investigating software before installation to using official sources, checking digital signatures, understanding EULAs, and using security tools. Follow these guidelines to ensure your downloads are secure and your data remains protected.

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How to Spot Fake Software: A Guide to Identifying Malicious Downloads

Learn how to protect your computer from malware and scams by mastering the art of recognizing fake software downloads. Explore common red flags and stay secure online.

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Windows Updates and Security Patches: Why They Matter and How to Stay Updated

Learn why Windows updates and security patches are crucial for maintaining a secure system. Explore the risks of neglecting updates and discover practical tips to stay updated and protected against emerging cyber threats. Safeguard your Windows environment with these essential security practices.

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Defending Against Email Threats: Essential Strategies for Enhanced Cybersecurity

Discover effective strategies to protect yourself and your organization from email threats. From phishing attacks and malicious attachments to business email compromise and email spoofing, learn how to identify and combat these cyber threats. Implementing best practices like email authentication protocols, user awareness, and robust filtering systems can greatly enhance your cybersecurity defenses. Stay informed and stay protected against the ever-evolving landscape of email-based attacks.

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How to use Virtualbox?

Welcome to the comprehensive guide on using VirtualBox! Whether you're a beginner or experienced user, this step-by-step tutorial will help you harness the full potential of VirtualBox, the popular virtualization software.

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What is Rkill and how to use it

Rkill is a program designed to terminate malicious processes running on a Windows computer. It was created by a security software company called BleepingComputer. Rkill is primarily used as a preliminary step in the process of removing malware from an infected system.

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Here are the top 10 security software solutions for 2023

Here are the top 10 security software solutions, in no particular order, that are widely recognized for their effectiveness and popularity.

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AdwCleaner v5.036 - GUI improvements

by Xplode
Some GUi improvements in AdwCleaner's v5.036

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AdwCleaner : Patch du fichier dnsapi.dll

by fr33tux
Depuis quelques semaines, une nouvelle vague d'infection apparaît. Elle cause les troubles habituels pour un adware : la navigation web est polluée de redirections et de publicités intrusives.
Elle se distingue néanmoins par son mode d'action qui la rend délicate à supprimer : elle modifie un fichier système (utilisé par Microsoft Windows pour la résolution de noms de domaines) afin d'en perturber son fonctionnement et dans le cas présent, de mentir sur les résolutions DNS.
AdwCleaner prend en charge ce type d'infection depuis la version 5.010 publiée le 4 Octobre 2015.

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Un blog pour l'équipe... mais aussi pour les développeurs !

by fr33tux
Après plusieurs semaines sans améliorations notables, nous publions une nouvelle section du site, un blog ! Nous voulons être toujours plus proches de nos utilisateurs, pouvoir communiquer, être transparents, et il nous manquait un moyen simple de nous adresser à vous.

C'est donc avec grand plaisir que nous vous présentons cette nouvelle section... aussi destinée aux développeurs !

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