ADWCleaner not responding during cleaning on Windows 10 64bit

dans AdwCleaner par ****

After Scanning and after hitting the button Clean, it runs as if it is starting the cleaning process. Then after a few seconds the application doesn't respond. I read a few topis in this forum with several forum and tried it again but this time in Debug mode with no avail and still the same result.


Re: AdwCleaner 6.010

dans AdwCleaner par hunt1974
# AdwCleaner v6.010 - Rapport créé le 13/09/2016 à 18:25:02 # Mis à jour le 12/08/2016 par ToolsLib # Base de données : 2016-09-13.1 [Serveur] # Système d'exploitation : Windows 10 Home  (X86) # Nom d'utilisateur : pc - PC-PC # Exécuté depuis : C:\Users\pc\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\3BODBGZG\adwcleaner_6.010.exe # Mode: Scan # Support :

***** [ Se...

Re: Est-ce que je peux supprimer tout ce qu'a trouvé adwcleaner SVP?

Est-ce que tout est correct et nettoyé?


AdwCleaner v6.010 - Rapport créé le 11/09/2016 à 11:54:49 # Mis à jour le 12/08/2016 par ToolsLib # Base de données : 2016-09-11.1 [Serveur] # Système d'exploitation : Windows 10 Home  (X64) # Nom d'utilisateur : client - MARIETTE # Exécuté depuis : C:\Users\client\Downloads\adwcleaner_6.010.exe # Mode: Nettoyage # Support :

Est-ce que je peux supprimer tout ce qu'a trouvé adwcleaner SVP?

 AdwCleaner v6.010 - Rapport créé le 11/09/2016 à 09:25:05 # Mis à jour le 12/08/2016 par ToolsLib # Base de données : 2016-09-11.1 [Serveur] # Système d'exploitation : Windows 10 Home  (X64) # Nom d'utilisateur : client - MARIETTE # Exécuté depuis : C:\Users\client\Downloads\adwcleaner_6.010.exe # Mode: Scan # Support :

***** [ Services ] *****

Aucun service mal...



Great, thanks. For a final check/clean:

  • Download MalwareBytes Anti Malware here.
  • Launch MalwareByte's Anti Malware from your desktop
  • Click on the tab Settings -> Detection & Protection -> PUP/PUM and check "Treat these detections like malware".
  • Tab Exam choose Threats, click on Scan now, and click on Launch the exam.
  • If something is detected, choose to Quarantine everything. If it...


dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


Great, thanks. For a final check/clean:

  • Download MalwareBytes Anti Malware here.
  • Launch MalwareByte's Anti Malware from your desktop
  • Click on the tab Settings -> Detection & Protection -> PUP/PUM and check "Treat these detections like malware".
  • Tab Exam choose Threats, click on Scan now, and click on Launch the exam.
  • If something is detected, choose to Quarantine everything. If it ...

Strange behaviour

dans AdwCleaner par barsim


1.Ran avast! full scan-->no threats found.

2.Ran F-secure online scan-->1 threat removed

3.Ran eset online scan-->3 threats found, did not finish because the UI turned into black lines where the instructions were.

4.Ran MalwareBytesAntiMalware full scan (not the recommended one)-->no threats found.

5.Ran the latest AdwareCleaner-->15 threats found and cleaned, see the copy of log file....

Re: Dead Rising 3 softonic viruses

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


Thanks. Finally:

  • Download MalwareBytes Anti Malware here.
  • Launch MalwareByte's Anti Malware from your desktop
  • Click on the tab Settings -> Detection & Protection -> PUP/PUM and check "Treat these detections like malware".
  • Tab Exam choose Threats, click on Scan now, and click on Launch the exam.
  • If something is detected, choose to Quarantine everything. If it asks you to reboot the ...

Keep getting autoit error

dans AdwCleaner par ****

I keep getting an error that pops up near the end when I'm scanning. I've tried running it as an admin but the same thing keeps happening. I ran a debug report after reading some some other threads however I'm at a loss on what the problem could be.  The error says it's line 14856

2016-09-08 13:04:44 :     <INFO>    [main] - Saving current options to the configuration file 2016-09-08 13:04:46 ...

Re: AdwCleaner has stopped me from booting into safe mode

dans AdwCleaner par fixit

Hi, thanks for responding.

Well that should be good news!

Is the log file the same as the application file in Malwarebytes? It is not very detailed....


Here is the last file of the last scan I did (of several):

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Scan Date: 31/08/2016 Scan Time: 3:25:56 PM Logfile: mbam.txt Administrator: Yes

Version: Malware Database: v2016.08.31...