Re: Adwcleaner broke my web browser

dans AdwCleaner par ****

I don't know why it is French version but my network connection is fine and here is a report.


Rapport de ZHPFix 2015.10.19.9 par Nicolas Coolman, Update du 19/10/2015 Fichier d'export Registre :  Run by F at 10/7/2016 22:10:52 High Elevated Privileges : OK Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)

Recycle Bin emptied (00mn 03s) Prefetcher emptied

========== Elements ...

Re: Bug report for QuickDiag

ok I studied them

you can delete 5f6db.msi, the package is corrupted , It won't never work anymore.

QuickDiag gave me the same message than it gave to you at the same moment , on the same file.

I tried to install it and Windows returned me an error message

all the msi files are signed and this not.


Re: Bug report for QuickDiag

[Deleted duplicate post]

Download Link Tobit David Client?

dans AdwCleaner par JaToJa


this application is for licensed users only. It´s an email application like Microsoft Exchange with server and client modules. We installed it over 10 years ago and did periodically updates until to the actual state.

The latest version can be downloaded under:

The client module is up...

Re: Adwcleaner freezes when it tries to clean

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


Click on the Windows menu -> search for "cmd.exe". Click right on it, "Launch as Administrator".

Then, copy paste the following command in it :

sc delete "UCGuard"

And then :

sc delete "KuaiZipDrive"

You should get a success message afterwards saying the removal operation has succeeded.

Finally, just reboot and share a Scan with AdwCleaner.

Best regards,

False positive detection / Fehlerhafte Erkennung: Tobit David Client?

dans AdwCleaner par JaToJa

The last times I run AdwCleaner it shows some folders of the german email client program Tobit David to delete. Can this be right? We use this program for over 10 years and we don´t know any adware. Is this false positve detection? There are shown the following folders:

Bei den letzten Scans mit AdwCleaner wird der deutsche Email-Client Tobit David als zu löschen angezeigt. Das kann doch nicht...

Re: Tracing key keeps coming back after deletion, help?

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


It has been fixed with the current update. It was harmless to delete this key, so nothing to worry if you pressed the (Clean) button with this element ticked.

Best regards,

Tracing key keeps coming back after deletion, help?

dans AdwCleaner par doki

I am bad at this kind of stuff, so apologies if I am missing something obvious.

Today in a scan a "tracing key" is detected after a scan with adwcleaner, deleted it and right after restart I scanned again. Same key was detected again. Malwarebytes scan didn't detect anything. After 2 more deletions with adwcleaner I thought I would ask here for help since it still keeps popping up in adwcleane...


dans AdwCleaner par M-K-D-B


Can you poste the whole logfile from AdwCleaner, please?

Did you activate the options "Reset Chrome preferences" and "Reset Chrome policies" before clicking on "Scan" and "Delete" button?