pc 64 bits très lent rapports FRST



J'ai un hp pavillon entertainment sous windows 7 pro 64 bits qui est très lent. .J'ai passé ccleaner, reg cleaner, adw cleaner, zhp cleaner windows repair... n vain . J'ai passé frst et joins ci-dessous des liens vers les deux rapports, si quelqu'un peut m'éclairer..

Merci beaucoup,







Faux positif ? Supprime lecteurs d'empreintes sur PC portable HP

dans AdwCleaner par Sam58


Avec la version, détection de (la suppression supprime le lecteur d'empreinte sur un PC portable HP)

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon|Userinit

qui est dans le registre

C:\Windows\system32\userinit.exe,C:\Program Files (x86)\DigitalPersona\Bin\DPAgent.exe,

Analyse du fichier "DPAgent.exe" par VirusTotal

Ratio de détection : 0 / 66


Re: BSOD tcpip.sys? at boot only

Hi Cumdacon,

Logs look good, it made a repair.  Have you rebooted your machine since yesterday?  If so, what happened?

I see you have a Dell.  You are also running Windows 6.0?   The scan /scannow is in a different language?  What did the last line say?

Please reply.


Re: AdwCleaner deletes acestream but it reappears after Windows start-up

Hi, there sheilaanderson,

Please download the free version of Ccleaner here https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner to your pc and run the program analyze (applications, registry) and run cleaner.  When you delete the program(s) there are remnants left behind of that program.  Ccleaner deletes the remnants.  Reply back here how you made out.

By the way, which site did you download AceStream from?


PUP's from online studies - harmless or not?

Hello ive started using some online sites for studys the last days - file some stuff and get money/points etc BUT everytime i do a survey on "https://www.meinungsstudie.de/" it loads the sites on a url named "surveymyopinion" So if i run adwcleaner (current version) after doing that i get 4-8 PUP'S which all have entries verifying it is from "surveymyopinion" in some folders. Now the question: ...

Re: BSOD tcpip.sys? at boot only

dans Windows par cumdacon

Hi, why windows10 ? what driver is corrupted? thanks.

Re: BSOD tcpip.sys? at boot only

dans Windows par cocochepeau

So, as I can see, the BSOD might be due to a bad/corrupted driver installation.

Can you try the following steps: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4028443/windows-update-drivers-in-windows-10


Re: BSOD tcpip.sys? at boot only

dans Windows par cocochepeau


Can you make sure Windows is up-to-date?

Re: Newest adw version detects world of warcraft beta as a threat and deletes the whole thing.

dans AdwCleaner par fleks717

Via the battlenet application of course. There is litrally no way this is an actual threat or PUP im rather reporting this as a false positive and want a confirmation for that so it can get fixed :) Blizzard itself gives you access to this alpha/beta and opens the download for you,so i highly doubt theres anything even close to a threat.


Edit: the version before the 12th of april did not do...

Newest adw version detects world of warcraft beta as a threat and deletes the whole thing.

dans AdwCleaner par fleks717

As seen in the title,the new version literally told me my world of warcraft beta would be a "threat" and continued deleting the whole thing making my 20gb download literally a waste of time. Im pretty pretty sure this shouldnt be detected or labeled as a thread or am i missing something? here the log:  

# ------------------------------- # Malwarebytes AdwCleaner # ---------------------...