Ad Choices

dans Disinfection par Boo

Sorry, if this is duplicated, newbie here and I did a search for Ad Choices in Chrome removal and didn't find a resolution...I downloaded AdWCleaner (latest download  here) but didn't remove Ad Choices from Chrome.......


Can anyone please offer some direction or help to remove Ad Choices?

Re: AdwCleaner v5.013 incorrectly deleted valid folders

dans AdwCleaner par Xplode


False positive have been removed from the database.


AdwCleaner v5.013 incorrectly deleted valid folders

dans AdwCleaner par jgt1942

I ran AdwCleaner to help eliminate some issues I have encountered and v5.013 incorrectly deleted at least two folders, following are the two lines from the log.

[-] Folder Deleted : C:\CommonShare
[-] Folder Deleted : C:\Program Files (x86)\Rightword Enterprises

The CommonShare folder was created by me for CodeTwo support to sync Outlook catagories across my personal systems. Rightword Enter...

Re: Autoit error

dans AdwCleaner par M-K-D-B


Of course, the same error occurs with Debug Mode enabled, but there will be created a special logfile under C:\AdwCleaner . Just as a note: I'm not talking about the logfile from AdwCleaner where adware elements are shown.

Are you 100% sure that there is no file like C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner_dbg_XXXX.log there?

When does this problem appear? After pressing Scan or Clean button?



LaSuperba ad remove

My Opera brwoser caught LaSuperba ads suddenly. It's nearly impossible to surf the net now. Some pages like this one describes the unwanted program is actually an adware program that can cause great trouble or harm. What should I do to stop stupid ads? Thanks for any idea!

Re: Autoit error

dans AdwCleaner par Sandor


thanks for reply. Even with Debug mode enabled it stops with same error and log is not created.

Bad LAG with Windows 10

dans Windows par TerryReed

This lagging started almost immediately after the download of Windows 10 - everything on my computer is slow.  Programs take a while to open, then when open, sometimes I can type faster than the computer can keep up!  I cannot figure out what to stop 'running in the background' -- but it just feels like something is dragging the speed down, but it's not showing up in the "Remove Programs" part!...

Re: Autoit error

dans AdwCleaner par M-K-D-B



Please activate Debug Mode as follows so we can see a report which may be helpful with identifying the problem.

  • Double-click on AdwCleaner.exeto open the tool.
  • Click on Options in the top menu.
  • Put a check mark next to Activate debug mode
  • Click on the Scan button
  • A logfile report called AdwCleaner_dbg_XXXX.log (where XXXX represents the time run) will be created and saved to %syste...

Re: globososo

dans Disinfection par Chapi

Bonjour Corinne,

Pourrais-tu m'indiquer un site fiable où je pourrais trouver le didacticiel pour windows 10 car j'avoue être quelque peu "désorientée" avec son utilisation et j'aimerai bien apprendre !!!!

Je pense que tu peux déjà commencer par la documentation proposé par Microsoft : Guide de prise en main. Tu trouveras également ici le support Windows 10 et donc de nouveau pleins de cons...