J'ai enfin réussi à booter sur ma framakey salix

dans Windows par magritte

j'ai enfin réussi à booter sur ma framakey salix,


donc je me suis embété pour rien sur les forums Nicolas Coolman, SosVirus, FAEI, FEI, PC Infopratique, Furum SalixOS, forum framakey (framagora), etc...


par contre, j'ai 2 suites de protection:

-comodo internet security premium by Comodo lien du site -> wwww.comodo.com

-Ad-Aware pro security by Avanquest (lavasoft est une marque d'avan...

Re: AdwCleaner v5.201 - Rapport créé le 31/07/2016 à 22:41:09

Oui si c'est pas trop compliqué avant la mise à jour de demain. J'ai un problème avec internet depuis décembre. Quand j'ouvre l'ordinateur le matin, je n'ai pas internet mais quand je le redémarre là je l'ai. On a jamais pu trouver de solution. Merci

Re: 1st time user, Should I delete the folowing windows files?

dans AdwCleaner par AlanD

Thanks for the help...

# AdwCleaner v5.201 - Logfile created 01/08/2016 at 10:55:22
# Updated 30/06/2016 by ToolsLib
# Database : 2016-07-31.4 [Server]
# Operating system : Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (X64)
# Username : Owner - MYITP-SPARE-PC
# Running from : C:\Users\Owner\Desktop\adwcleaner_5.201.exe
# Option : Clean
# Support : https://toolslib.net/forum

***** [ Services ] *****...

AdwCleaner v5.201 - Rapport créé le 31/07/2016 à 22:41:09

# AdwCleaner v5.201 - Rapport créé le 31/07/2016 à 22:41:09
# Mis à jour le 30/06/2016 par ToolsLib
# Base de données : 2016-07-31.4 [Serveur]
# Système d'exploitation : Windows 10 Home  (X64)
# Nom d'utilisateur : client - MARIETTE
# Exécuté depuis : C:\Users\client\Desktop\adwcleaner_5.201.exe
# Option : Scanner
# Support : https://toolslib.net/forum

***** [ Services ] *****

***** [ Dossie...

Re: 1st time user, Should I delete the folowing windows files? log

dans AdwCleaner par AlanD
# AdwCleaner v5.201 - Logfile created 31/07/2016 at 15:11:51
# Updated 30/06/2016 by ToolsLib
# Database : 2016-07-31.3 [Server]
# Operating system : Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (X64)
# Username : Owner - MYITP-SPARE-PC
# Running from : C:\Users\Owner\Downloads\adwcleaner_5.201.exe
# Option : Scan
# Support : https://toolslib.net/forum

***** [ Services ] *****

***** [ Folders ] ***...

Re: Help...What is this?

# AdwCleaner v5.201 - Logfile created 30/07/2016 at 06:02:03 # Updated 30/06/2016 by ToolsLib # Database : 2016-07-21.2 [Local] # Operating system : Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 (X64) # Username : CQ62 - CQ62-PC # Running from : C:\Users\CQ62\Downloads\adwcleaner_5.201.exe # Option : Scan # Support : https://toolslib.net/forum

***** [ Services ] *****

***** [ Folders ] *****

***** [ F...

Re: Help...What is this?


# AdwCleaner v5.201 - Logfile created 24/07/2016 at 03:15:42 # Updated 30/06/2016 by ToolsLib # Database : 2016-07-21.2 [Server] # Operating system : Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 (X64) # Username : CQ62 - CQ62-PC # Running from : C:\Users\CQ62\Downloads\adwcleaner_5.201.exe # Option : Clean # Support : https://toolslib.net/forum

***** [ Services ] *****

[-] Service Deleted : rtop


Re: Help...What is this?

my hronology of logs...



# AdwCleaner v5.201 - Logfile created 24/07/2016 at 03:06:45 # Updated 30/06/2016 by ToolsLib # Database : 2016-07-21.2 [Server] # Operating system : Windows 7 Ultimate Service Pack 1 (X64) # Username : CQ62 - CQ62-PC # Running from : C:\Users\CQ62\Downloads\adwcleaner_5.201.exe # Option : Scan # Support : https://toolslib.net/forum

***** [ Services ] ***...

UCGUARD service

dans AdwCleaner par ****


1st of all thax a loat for such a great tool. It helped me a loat in removing may adwares from systems. 2 -3 days back i was downloading somthing and hit with some malwares and adwares. after that i scanned pc with adaware removel tool but after clicking clean it was getting stucked again and again in notrmal mode and safe mood. then i scanned my pc with malwarebyt it cleand most of thing...

Re: I can no longer login on Windows 10 after running Adwcleaner

It was connected to the internet before this problem, but now that you mention it, it is not connected to the wifi anymore, and it cant detect any networks either.  I've also tried using a direct ethernet connection to no avail.  How weird.  None of my Google searches are bringing up anything useful other than to reset Windows 10.  I think I will have to bite the bullet and reinstall Windows an...