chrome n’apparaît pas dans adwcleaner


Malgré les recommandations de fr33tux, cela ne fonctionne toujours pas.

Je suis sur windows 8.1. Quelqu'un aurait peut etre une autre solution



dans AdwCleaner par ****

Yes, it's a Dell.  See the header of the scan file below (i did not post the entire file since it is quite long).  Let me know if you need any additional information.

# AdwCleaner v5.112 - Logfile created 20/04/2016 at 20:59:10 # Updated 17/04/2016 by Xplode # Database : 2016-04-17.1 [Server] # Operating system : Windows 10 Home  (X64) # Username : - DESKTOP-0MU1HUV # Running from : C:\...

Re: blocage du navigateur et de d'autre logiciel programme.

dans Désinfection par Chapi


Et bien je suis content d'avoir pu t'aider à résoudre ce problème, et surtout qu'on a pas tant galéré que ça mine de rien ! :)

Dans tous les cas, je ne sais pas ce qui te retiens sur Win 8.1, mais Win 10 est pas si mal hein :)

Bonne continuation.



dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


Sorry for the delay.

You have a Dell computer, don't you ? It may be a corner case with some Dell processes and AdwCleaner..

In the meantime, to be sure that you get the latest database version, can you copy/paste here the content of AdwCleaner scanning logfile (from C:\AdwCleaner\) ?

Best regards,


dans AdwCleaner par ****

Done, see link below.


dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


Great, thanks !

Can you copy this file to your Desktop : C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\042016-18375-01.dmp and create a zip archive from this file ?

Then, host it on, and paste here the generated link.

Best regards,


dans AdwCleaner par ****

Sorry for the duplicate post above.  I ran the BlueScreenView program and tried to post at the link but I don't think it liked the .html extension (I could not tell since it was in French).  See output pasted below (note, I deleted a few blank columns to help it fit better). 

Dump File Crash Time Bug Check String Bug Check Code Parameter 1 Caused By Driver Caused By Address


dans AdwCleaner par ****

I am running AdwCleaner v5.112 and having the same issue.  I downloaded the version from the post above but the debug file was not created.  Please help.

Re: blocage du navigateur et de d'autre logiciel programme.

Bonjour, 1000 fois merci tout mais probleme sont resolue, merci de bien vouloir passer le sujet en resolue.

Re: Issue with Microsoft Edge

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


So, it's a DNS issue.. It's strange that only Edge is impacted.

We'll remove the cached files from Edge, and then reset the network configuration if needed :

  1. Launch Edge,
  2. Click on the top-right "..." to show the menu.
  3. Settings
  4. Delete navigation data - choose the elements to remove
  5. Check all, except "Passwords"
  6. Delete

Quit Edge, restart it : does it work ?

If you still get the sa...