
on WinChk's page

from jaloqe, (24 february 2022)

Handle all photographs, new and old, with the best of care, contacting them simply by their edges, as fingertips have oils that leave Put advanced pictures on a CD for simplicity of printing and sharing or transfer them to a sharing site.


on RKill's page

from Johnmash2, (23 december 2021)

Ever wonder what a “nit” looks like? If you’ve ever had to battle lice at home, you probably already know firsthand. But if not, here’s a picture of what they look like on paper towels .


on Easy Restore Point's page

from CordeliaGutkowski, (14 july 2021)

The picture which is present in this blog is having a beautiful olive green colored Italian-designed sofa in it. I have tried a lot to buy this colored sofa and searched in all blogs on the internet. But, not able to find it, now luckily I found it in this blog which is good to see this sofa picture again.


on AdwCleaner's page

from crimsonrchangel, (01 february 2017)

I am having a most difficult time trying to figure out how to get the text to show up on AdwCleaner, especially in the options and maybe under the pictures on the main Adwcleaner page as no files or any other options are seen. and I believe the other was the Anti-Rootkit where the text only showed up what it was testing and then the 6 red PUPs found and then i could see the file but it was hit and miss on which buttons to press and missed the restart now closing it out and having to self reboot the computer.
Is there an option with windows 10 that I have to click on to help me see these texts?
I have a screen shot as I had seen an admin ask someone to post one earlier on another post i read, but i do not know how to post it into this comment other than I will try to drag and drop it into it before posting.

that did not work, it just made my Jpeg fill my screen with no writing and no post button


on TNTCrypter's page

from tonypl6, (01 april 2016)

TNTCrypter is now available!
It comes with the new picture injection module, debugging options, FAQ and even more!

TNTCrypter has exceeded 1300 downloads for a period of 10 months now!
Thanks for supporting the project!

"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." - Albert Einstein


on WinUpdateFix's page

from jjunkk, (15 september 2015)

Here is the translation to English. I just used Google.
Then I took a screen shot of WinUpdateFix. The you can change the instruction boxes to English. Then print out the altered picture and use that for reference.


OS : Microsoft Windows 7

SP : Pas de données
SP : No Data

Architecture : 64 bits

Session en cours : Corentin
Session : Current

[Windows Update]

Etat : Démarré
State : Started

Actif (2)
Active (2)

Dernière Maj effectuée le
Last Shift effected

Date time



Mises á jour automatiques
Automatic Updates

Etat : Démarré
State : Started

Statut : Automatigue
Status : Automatic


Etat : Démarré
State : Started

Statut : Automatigue
Status : Automatic

[Service de cryptographie]
[Cryptographic Service]

Etat : Démarré
State : Started

Statut : Automatigue
Status : Automatic


Effacer le cataloque des mises á jour
Clear the catalog updates

Réinscrire les Dll
Regester the DLLs

Vider le dossier Software Distribution
Empty the Software Distribution folder

Réínitialíser les paramétres Winsock
Reset Winsock Settings

Supprimer les fichiers temporaires
Delete temporary files

Reinitialiser les descripteurs de securite
Reset security descriptors

Supprimer le proxy
Remove proxy

Restaurer les policies
Restore policies

Effacer la file d'attente BITS
Clear the BITS queue


Tous Aucun
All No



Créer un rapport de
Create a diagnostic


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (05 february 2015)

Hi again, I found the reports at C:\AdwCleaner. You may find them on the same link
Concerning the uninstall procedure I explained below, the pictures were actually from the Quarantine Manger. Thanks!