AdwCleaner v5.036 - GUI improvements

by Xplode
Some GUi improvements in AdwCleaner's v5.036

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Bleeping Computer vs Enigma Software Group USA

by fr33tux
Due to a negative review of Spyhunter by one of its member, BleepingComputer is facing lawsuit with Enigma Software, Spyhunter editor. By solidarity, we publish this blogpost. It contains the lawsuit, a screenshot of the Bleeping Computer call to help and the concerned review of SpyHunter.

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Some updates that will warm you up during these cold times

by fr33tux
A pretty huge update has been published saturday evening on ToolsLib. It was mainly focused on the interface usability and software presentation, but also added improvements in the way developers get feedbacks from their users.

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What we've done in 2015... and what's planned for 2016 !

by fr33tux
A lot of work has been accomplished in 2015, from the opening of new sections on the platform, to the consolidation of the underlying infrastructure.. Thanks to all this work, we are ready to open more features in 2016. Let's see together what is planned !

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100 million downloads contest: Win GlassWire Pro keys !

To celebrate the end of the year and the symbolic milestone of 100 million downloads on ToolsLib, we're giving away 3 GlassWire Pro keys (worth 297$).

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One more step towards our beautiful community !

by fr33tux
Since the beginning we think that developers and users constitute a huge community, but in which it's not always easy to communicate.

So, as it was for the blog we are opening a new section of the website dedicated to discuss efficiently : you face an unresolvable issue with your computer or with a software ? There is certainly someone to help you. You are developer and you need to ask you users to test your next release of your program ? It's the right place to ask !

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AdwCleaner v5.000

by Xplode
AdwCleaner v5.000 - CLI and debug module

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About the downtime of yesterday evening

by fr33tux
There has been an hour-downtime yesterday evening (07/02/15). For transparency reasons, here some explanations about what caused the outage.

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AdwCleaner v4.206 : news

by fr33tux
The new AdwCleaner release 4.206 has been published at the beginning of this week. It brings some improvements and bugfixes.

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Renewal of the SSL certificate

by fr33tux
The current SSL certificate expires in a few days, so it's time to renew it. Here's the signed fingerprint of the new certificate, issued by Gandi.

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