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Some GUi improvements in AdwCleaner's v5.036

A pretty huge update has been published saturday evening on ToolsLib. It was mainly focused on the interface usability and software presentation, but also added improvements in the way developers get feedbacks from their users.

A lot of work has been accomplished in 2015, from the opening of new sections on the platform, to the consolidation of the underlying infrastructure.. Thanks to all this work, we are ready to open more features in 2016. Let's see together what is planned !

To celebrate the end of the year and the symbolic milestone of 100 million downloads on ToolsLib, we're giving away 3 GlassWire Pro keys (worth 297$).

There has been major improvements made by the sysadmin team these last weeks. Even if it's not visible, we want to explain what has been made and what benefit will bring to you.

À l'occasion du 100ème sujet ouvert sur le forum, revenons sur les dernières améliorations disponibles.