BitRaser for File is capable of erasing files, folders, Application traces, system traces, internet activities as well as volumes from Windows based systems without leaving any scope for recovery. With this tool, all the crucial information stored on the hard drive in the form of files and folders can be erased permanently.

  • Erases files & folders permanently beyond the scope of recovery
  • Erases installed Applications’ traces, system & internet activity traces
  • Option to schedule file eraser tasks at a predefined date and time
  • Option to erase data files with a single right-click
  • Offers 17 different advanced and standard algorithms for file eraser
  • Support for Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP and Windows server 2012, 2008, 2003
Downloads 14,711
Weekly downloads 11
Publisher Stellar
By James703
Created on 08 February 2018
Last update 08 February 2018
Category Utilities
Operating system Windows

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