Is it safe to remove this reg entries with Adwcleaner?

on AdwCleaner by ****


Im wondering if its save to remove these reg entries, should i keep some of them?

Note: Its okay for me that some AVG components are removed

# AdwCleaner v6.000 - Bericht erstellt am 14/08/2016 um 14:39:28
# Aktualisiert am 12/08/2016 von ToolsLib
# Datenbank : 2016-08-13.3 [Server]
# Betriebssystem : Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (X64)
# Benutzername : Marc - MARC-PC
# Gestarte...

AdwCleaner 6.000 keeps crashing the PC on clicking Clean button


I have windows 10 64-bit, and have gotten some infestation of SEARCHING.COM adware lately. I came across this tool which scanned all the malicious objects in my system including the registry keys and scheduled programs. 

However when I click the "Clean" button, my PC crashes (with a blue screen saying CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED). I tried to check the Debug Log, but there are no entries for ...

Re: Répertoire de fonctionnement...


Je suis désolé, mais cela ne m'apparait pas "normal", c'est à dire pas conforme à une programmation Windows "correcte".

J'ai des "tonnes" de logiciels installés et AdwCleaner est le seul à fonctionner ainsi.

Je pense qu'il est nécessaire d'améliorer ce point.


Répertoire de fonctionnement...


Utilisant AdwCleaner à partir d'un répertoire particulier sur un disque particulier (autre que le C), je trouve surprenant qu'un nouveau répertoire (quarantaine, trace, etc.) soit créé à la racine du disque disque C.

Ne devrait-il pas normalement figurer sous "ProgramData" (Win7 et plus) ou au pire dans le répertoire d'origine?



Re: The new UI is inconvenient


Thanks for your message, really appreciate it.

1.  After scanning, I have to click through every tab to see where the problems are.  Could you please highlight each tab where there is malware so that we can go to it immediately (preferably with a shortcut key rather than the mouse).

Koala, 2016-08-13 00:31:48 (UTC)

We can definitely think about that indeed.

2.  This situation has ...

The new UI is inconvenient

Thank you very much for this software, which fills a significant gap in security software for PCs.  By way of constructive and appreciative comment, I would like to make three recommendations about the UI (I am working on a 23 inch monitor in Windows 10 Pro).

1.  After scanning, I have to click through every tab to see where the problems are.  Could you please highlight each tab where there is...

Re: Error message: This app can't run on your PC,

Successfully installed & ran MBAM. Is blocking pop-ups on my browser. Logs files below: (1) Scan log (2) Protection log Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Scan Date: 8/7/2016 Scan Time: 6:16 PM Logfile: mbam scan log.txt Administrator: Yes Version: Malware Database: v2016.02.16.06 Rootkit Database: v2016.05.27.01 License: Trial Malware Protection: Enabled Malicious W...

Re: AdwCleaner dont remove progs on WinXP

1) The folders will be deleted and the files as well.

2) There were no shortcuts on my test system and that's why they are not in the log. Otherwise they would be deleted.

If AdwCleaner don't delete those files on your system:

1) Check that you use the latest version of the program and please share the whole logfile.

2) Please write what files are not deleted.  

Suppression impossible MPC Cleaner

on Désinfection by ****

Bonjour, depuis peu mon ordinateur a été infecté par MPC Cleaner et ses composants. Il est impossible de naviguer sur Internet à cause de leur pub et il ralentit le PC considérablement. J'ai déjà essayer plusieurs méthodes :

- Adwcleaner


-Le fichier Uninstall.exe est introuvable

-Quand j'essaye de supprimer le dossier dans Program Files il me dit que je doit avoir une permission...

Re: Adwcleaner cannot remove bsdriver.sys and cherimoya.sys

I know there is an advanced anti-malware program that can deal with browser hijackers, adware and potentially unwanted programs. Download it here.