Re: ADWcleaner wants to remove Reimage Repair

on AdwCleaner by rei

Reimage has 50,000+ active paid users.  At these volumes it's impossible to avoid negative feedback, not to mention years of questionable advertising methods.  I can show you negative feedback on everyone from Malwarebytes to Microsoft citing the exact same complaints you listed above

Reimage has a very simple purchase funnel and a 60 day money back guarantee with 24/7 customer service.  We al...

Re: ADWcleaner wants to remove Reimage Repair


Your message is a big joke. Reimage is a crapware. Many people complain every day on all forums. Adware are advertising for Reimage. When people pay for Reimage, they have huge bills. They have an unwanted subscription and they are struggling to stop it.

Adware cleaner Stürzt immer ab


Ich habe eine frage bezüglich des Adware Cleaners da der immer abstürtzt.

Ich kann ihn scannen lassen aber wenn ich auf entfernen drücke stürtzt es ab.

Ich bitte um hilfe da ich gerade 470 bedrohungen habe

LG Haylight

Re: ADWcleaner wants to remove Reimage Repair

on AdwCleaner by rei

Hi There,

My name is Steve and I handle the Reimage Repair operations.  We're big fans of Adwcleaner and would like to address this thread directly in hopes of some feedback.  


Over the years Reimage was subjigated to years of online abuse, bundling, browser extention and POP traffic.  Since 2015 we have stopped all bundling efforts, search takeover and anything that would be considered un...

Acronis Trueimage 2014

on AdwCleaner by dbo

Infiziert ??

Verknüpfung infiziert: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Acronis\True Image\Extras und Werkzeuge\Image mounten.lnk ( /mount_image )

me désinscrire de twitter et facebook

Bonjour et bienvenue sur toolslib,

Je navigue sur le web depuis bordeaux dans l'appart-hotel,

J'habite à 18 km de bergerac, mon pc est un windows vista sous acer aspire pentium 4, datent de 2011, pas très vieux et fonctionne bien, j'aimerais comment savoir comment me désinscrire à facebook et twitter, et supprimmer mes comptes facebook et twitter, car j'ai fait l'erreur de m'y inscrire,

Et j...

Re: Adwcleaner false positive

Sorry I meant to include a link to the Agdata website:


Adwcleaner false positive

Hi Guys.

Thankyou very much for creating Adwcleaner, it has been very helpful in my work as an IT Consultant.

However, in recent versions, it has been falsely detecting folders belonging to Phoenix by AgData, a legitimate farm management program.

Please therefore add:




C:\Program Files\AG...

Re: Lucky123

thank your for the help.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Scan Date: 2016-10-16

Scan Time: 20:31

Logfile: 2016_10_16_AP_Logs.txt

Administrator: Yes


Malware Database: v2016.10.16.07

Rootkit Database: v2016.09.26.02

License: Free

Malware Protection: Disabled

Malicious Website Protection: Disabled

Self-protection: Disabled

OS: Windows 7 Servic...

Re: Plus d'internet suite nettoyage ADWcleaner


Merci pour votre réponse mais pas de trace de ce fichier texte... Je me suis resolue à réinstaller windows 10...