Re: adwclener not have virus ?


These are false positive. You can use AdwCleaner with your eyes closed as long as you downloaded it from one of its official links:

If you need help while using AdwCleaner, please ask me in your next answer and I'll be happy to guide you during the whole process.


Re: Lucky123


Can you please launch AdwCleaner, then start a new scan and past the logfile content on your next answer?

Thank you.

Re: Adsfix is not a good tool


reading that makes me understant that you'd never understand the use of an antivirus

almost each tool is detected like malware by virus total, and the only antiviruses which detect tools like viruses are bad antiviruses ( if you look kaspersky , malwarebytes or others bests antiviruses , they don't detect it )

before writing anything, trying to think please.

the tool scans the system ...

adwclener not have virus ?

im download adwclener form  and scan from

why have virus ? it ok ?

SHA256: 5ac00723e6a00d86de74f3c50ef99e8f1c3f8976b8f5f484126534cc48308855
File name: adwcleaner_6.021.exe
Detection ratio: 3 / 57
ClamAV Win.Trojan.Philadelphia-1 20161...

me désinscrire de twitter et facebook

Bonjour et bienvenue sur toolslib,

Je navigue sur le web depuis bordeaux dans l'appart-hotel,

J'habite à 18 km de bergerac, mon pc est un windows vista sous acer aspire pentium 4, datent de 2011, pas très vieux et fonctionne bien, j'aimerais comment savoir comment me désinscrire à facebook et twitter, et supprimmer mes comptes facebook et twitter, car j'ai fait l'erreur de m'y inscrire,

Et j...

Re: Adwcleaner false positive


Working on it, sorry for the inconvenience,

Adwcleaner false positive

Hi Guys.

Thankyou very much for creating Adwcleaner, it has been very helpful in my work as an IT Consultant.

However, in recent versions, it has been falsely detecting folders belonging to Phoenix by AgData, a legitimate farm management program.

Please therefore add:




C:\Program Files\AG...

Re: Command Line for AdwCleaner


Good progresses have been made, see

Thanks for your interest!

Re: Lucky123

thank your for the help.

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Scan Date: 2016-10-16

Scan Time: 20:31

Logfile: 2016_10_16_AP_Logs.txt

Administrator: Yes


Malware Database: v2016.10.16.07

Rootkit Database: v2016.09.26.02

License: Free

Malware Protection: Disabled

Malicious Website Protection: Disabled

Self-protection: Disabled

OS: Windows 7 Servic...

Re: ADW claener ne supprime pas les virus


Bonjour fr33tux

Je m'etais par erreur invité dans cette discution il y a 21 jours, et depuis sous ta directive, j'ai ouvert un autre poste et tu m'as apporté la solution a mon probleme.Je pense qu'il n'est pas necessaire que je sois en copie des mails echangés avec tom01.

Merci encore pour tes bons conseils



amidonfr2000, 2016-10-15 15:54:10 (UTC)

Si ...