AdwCleaner rejoint Malwarebytes

Comme certain d'entre vous l'auront peut-être déjà remarqué depuis quelques heures, nous sommes fiers d'annoncer qu'AdwCleaner fait désormais partie de la famille Malwarebytes.

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Say hello to some completely (useless) awesome avatars!

Some of you might have noticed the arrival of distinct avatars on a few messages on our forum. That's right, you're not missing something here, we've implemented a new little feature that let's you choose between a hundred of specific avatars.

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AdwCleaner 5.201

by fr33tux
AdwCleaner is a free removal tool for : Adware (ads software), PUP/LPI (Potentially Undesirable Program), Toolbars, Hijacker (Hijack of the browser's homepage).. The 5.201 release is out with updated detections and translations.

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AdwCleaner 5.200

by fr33tux
AdwCleaner is a free removal tool for : Adware (ads software), PUP/LPI (Potentially Undesirable Program), Toolbars, Hijacker (Hijack of the browser's homepage).. The 5.200 release is out with a bunch of new features.

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How do we handle a permanently increasing traffic on ToolsLib.

by fr33tux
Everyday we deal with an increasing traffic, coming from and to ToolsLib. These last weeks have been interesting to follow since we moved to a larger scale a bit earlier than expected.
We want to share some figures, graphs and explanations about how we deal with an important traffic and increasing data quantity on our infrastructure.

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AdwCleaner - Quarantine improvements

by Xplode
New quarantine features that will come soon

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Some updates that will warm you up during these cold times

by fr33tux
A pretty huge update has been published saturday evening on ToolsLib. It was mainly focused on the interface usability and software presentation, but also added improvements in the way developers get feedbacks from their users.

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What we've done in 2015... and what's planned for 2016 !

by fr33tux
A lot of work has been accomplished in 2015, from the opening of new sections on the platform, to the consolidation of the underlying infrastructure.. Thanks to all this work, we are ready to open more features in 2016. Let's see together what is planned !

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AdwCleaner : Patch du fichier dnsapi.dll

by fr33tux
Depuis quelques semaines, une nouvelle vague d'infection apparaît. Elle cause les troubles habituels pour un adware : la navigation web est polluée de redirections et de publicités intrusives.
Elle se distingue néanmoins par son mode d'action qui la rend délicate à supprimer : elle modifie un fichier système (utilisé par Microsoft Windows pour la résolution de noms de domaines) afin d'en perturber son fonctionnement et dans le cas présent, de mentir sur les résolutions DNS.
AdwCleaner prend en charge ce type d'infection depuis la version 5.010 publiée le 4 Octobre 2015.

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