Welcome to the new dashboard!

As the number of hosted software is increasing a more advanced management system was needed. During the past year we've studied the usage that are made not only on ToolsLib but on several other platforms, and following our conclusions we have published our new branded dashboard.

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Goodbye 2016, welcome 2017

by fr33tux
2016 has seen a lot of underlying changes on ToolsLib. Most of them were improvements to the current services, but we've also prepared the path towards all the new features that will appear in 2017.

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Say hello to some completely (useless) awesome avatars!

Some of you might have noticed the arrival of distinct avatars on a few messages on our forum. That's right, you're not missing something here, we've implemented a new little feature that let's you choose between a hundred of specific avatars.

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Comment nous gérons l'augmentation du traffic et des données hébergées sur ToolsLib.

by fr33tux
Chaque jour, nous gérons un traffic entrant et sortant grandissant. Nous sommes passés à l'échelle supérieure la semaine dernière, et ce plus tôt que ce à quoi nous nous attendions, mais les résultats sont là.
Nous voulons donc partager les chiffres, les graphiques accompagnés d'explications sur la façon dont nous gérons ce traffic et cette quantité de données de plus en plus importants.

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Non aux pratiques abusives.

by fr33tux
Au vu des pratiques observées sur certaines plateformes d'hébergement, il nous paraît important de nous en distinguer et de rappeler les valeurs qui ont fondé et nous motivent à faire avancer ToolsLib.

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